Sunday, January 27, 2008

High Protein Low Carb Food For Weight Loss

High Protein Low Carb Food For Weight Loss: "Ever wonder what is the magic food out there that can help you lose body fat? In reality, there is no magic food that can transform you over night but there is some food that can help you lose body fat and make those muscle look ripped and rock hard.

These foods provide the essential nutrients for muscle recovery and yet prevent body fat storage. These foods contain high levels of protein and very low levels of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates have been found to be a common cause for obesity. This is probably due to the fact that when we eat carbs, the insulin level in our body is jacked up. Insulin stores the carbohydrates very quickly which includes into the fat cells as well.

Not only that, insulin is responsible for activating lipoprotein lipase, which an enzyme that acts as a roadblock for fat released from the fat cells. Insulin also inhibits an enzyme called hormone sensitive lipase, which is an enzyme that is responsible for metabolizing stored fats."

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