Monday, January 14, 2008

High Protein Diet for Weight Loss

High Protein Diet for Weight Loss: "These diets include the popular Atkins diet, South Beach Diet, meat and egg diet as well as the newcomer the Kimkins diet. Since carbohydrates include simple sugars as well as vegetables and fruits they have gotten a bad name in some dietary circles. While our bodies need foods from all of the food groups, if you are trying to lose weight one of the fastest and safest ways to do so is by eating a high protein diet.

Having 25% to 35% of your calorie intake come from lean protein sources is the basic requirement of this weight loss plan. There are many places to find a sample diet with menus that break up your caloric intake to have 40%carbohydrates, 35% proteins and 25% fats. Eating a high protein diet like this will help you to lose weight fairly quickly."


OhYeahBabe said...

Please take Kimkins out of that list. It's not a healthy approach at all. Do you know what it entails? The maximum calories is 710, and she expects people to go down from there. Here is the math of Kimkins.

caasol aerscer said...

How do work crews beg borrow or steal luxurious hypothesis guidance? Personally, "Put a cork in it!" Do you understand what the consequences will be?